Evidence-Based Model Goals
Parents as Teachers National Centre has set the program models goals to reflect the holistic approach and impacts of the program supported by program data and research. For more information, visit https://parentsasteachers.org/research-and-results/
Goals of the PAT Evidence-Based Model Goals:
1. Increase parent knowledge of early childhood
2. Provide early detection of developmental delays and connection to services
3. Prevent child abuse and neglect
4. Improve parent, child, and family health and well-being
5. Increase children's school readiness and success
6. Improve family economic well-being
7. Strengthen community capacity and connectedness
Parents as Teachers National Centre has set the program models goals to reflect the holistic approach and impacts of the program supported by program data and research. For more information, visit https://parentsasteachers.org/research-and-results/
Goals of the PAT Evidence-Based Model Goals:
1. Increase parent knowledge of early childhood
2. Provide early detection of developmental delays and connection to services
3. Prevent child abuse and neglect
4. Improve parent, child, and family health and well-being
5. Increase children's school readiness and success
6. Improve family economic well-being
7. Strengthen community capacity and connectedness